Honoring the Rain Spirits

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Whether we love or dislike rainy days, we know that they are vitally necessary. Belgium even has a saint of rain, Saint Medard, who is traditionally honored on this day. Although many of us probably don't work with Saint Medard, most cultures have a patron spirit of rain or weather who can and should be honored. Today, perform a simple offering and acknowledgment of these spirits in return for their overseeing of these life-renewing showers. Whether it is raining or not, open and set an umbrella on your lawn. Place under it, on a cloth or blanket, offerings as you see fit, such as things the rain helped birth to life: flowers, fresh fruits or vegetables, etc. Ring a bell or shake a rattle to summon the rain spirits and express your gratitude to them, and perhaps, weather permitting, perform for them a spirit-inspired dance or drumming.
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