POSTED UNDER Blessing, Garden, Love, AND MORE

Five-Minute Miracle

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
With sun and warm weather, gardens grow abundantly. Strawberries ripen, asparagus starts to fern, and rhubarb grows fibrous and ornamental. Pause for a moment today and give thanks for your garden's abundance. Whether your garden is a backyard plot, containers on a deck, or a pot on your windowsill, take a moment to appreciate the blessing of food, flowers, herbs, or vegetables that is yours. Soak up the joy. Now go! Perform a five-minute miracle.
Fueled by joy, move through your garden, gently nipping and pruning, pulling weeds, removing seed pods, and plucking off dried leaves. Fill a container with water and pour, soaking the plants with your gratitude, joy, and blessing.

"You feed me joy, food, and flowers,
I feed you gratitude.
You bless me with nurturance, comfort, and nutrition,
I bless you with love.
You feed my spirit, heart, eyes, and belly,
I feed your sacred being."
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