POSTED UNDER Moon, Solstice, Summer, AND MORE

Reflection with the Fey

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Lily
The summer solstice is perfect for working with the fey. Sometimes playful, sometimes malicious, these ancient creatures reflect our own human nature, especially the parts we don't like to admit exist. This spell helps us see that side of ourselves so we can take steps to fix it.
Do this spell under tonight's full moon. Sit on the ground, with a dark bowl of moon water in front of you. Sprinkle in a few drops of lavender and honeysuckle oils. Say:

"Spirits of nature, guide me in my search for my true self. Show me that which I don't want to see about myself so that I may choose a new path."

Gaze into the bowl, and slightly unfocus your eyes. Look for images of past events in which your attitude was not at its best. These visions are showing you where in your life you need to make changes.
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About Kerri Connor
Kerri Connor is the leader of The Gathering Grove (a family-friendly, earth-based spiritual group) and has been practicing her craft for over thirty-five years. She is the author of several books, including Spells for Tough Times, and her writing has appeared in Head magazine and several Pagan ...
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