POSTED UNDER Friends, Money, Prosperity, AND MORE

Removing Obstacles to Prosperity

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Apricot
For this spell, you'll need one gold candle, a blank index card, and a gold or green pen.
Meditate on the kind of prosperity you want to bring into your life: money, professional success, strong friendships, etc. Then take a moment to think about the obstacles that prevent you from obtaining that prosperity, such as lack of opportunity, lack of will, outside interference, apathy, or unseen obstacles.
On one side of the index card, draw the astrological symbol for Jupiter and list the kind of prosperity you want. On the other side, list all the barriers you face, then cross out each one.
Light the gold candle and burn the card while saying:

"Jupiter, I seek prosperity. Remove the obstacles in my path with severity.
As I do will, so mote it be."

Let the candle burn out.
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