POSTED UNDER Family, Home, Peace, AND MORE

Let the Sun Set on Your Troubles

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Bring a Ten of Cups tarot card outside at sunset, along with a gold or yellow candle. Turn the card face down next to the candle, then light the candle while watching the sunset. Think about any troubles that are weighing on your family right now. As you feel these troubles building up within your heart, allow them to flow down your arms and into your hands. Once they've filled your hands, hold your hands open before the sunset and blow your troubles into the sun. Whisper:

"Mighty fire, blazing sun,
Take my troubles with you, as the day is done."

As you watch the sunset, your troubles are burned up in the sun. Flip over the card and view the happy, peaceful image. After you're done watching the sunset, let the candle burn out and place the card somewhere in your home. Your troubles will begin to work themselves out.
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About Mickie Mueller
Mickie Mueller (Missouri) explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. She is the author/illustrator of The Voice of the Trees; the illustrator of The Mystical Cats ...
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