POSTED UNDER Equinox, Solstice, Sun

Into the Light

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Carnation
At Imbolc, we are "in the belly" of the mother, and like little seeds under the soil, we are quickening with ideas and inspiration. Halfway between solstice and equinox, it's a good time to invoke faith, hope, and sunshine using a creativity spell. You'll need a couple magazines, scissors, a glue stick, a paper to stick stuff on, and your imagination. Close your eyes and envision the sun, glorious, bright, and radiant. Let your faith conjure up radiance. Feel hope grow. Now open your eyes and get to work, pulling images and words from the magazines that resonate with your vision. Trim them and create a collage honoring Brighid. Place it on your altar and light a candle. Say:

"Brighid, bless these simple seeds, planted deep inside of me. Let them sprout with growing light and grow my future safe and bright. So mote it be."
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