World Human Spirit Day

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Mint
All over this earth, most of what we know about our own world is superficial, shallow, and limited. Unhappy and tragic news bombards us from all sides. Today, look to the strength of the human spirit. Make this a day to search deeper for contentedness-to wonder at our achievements, contemplate possibilities, and embrace the realization that we do not have all the answers yet. Give thanks to the higher powers for all we have and all we are.

Another way to celebrate this day might be to research forward-thinking prophets and philosophers from the past, and those who currently live among us. Light candles: white for peace, purple for spiritual awareness, and black to absorb negative energy. Then say:

"I call to my higher power and the power within the candle flame. Keep me curious and open, available and welcoming, to the blessed spirituality of all like-minded humans."
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