POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Rain, Snow

Prosperity with Every Falling Flake or Drop

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Almond
This is a simple prosperity spell that you can do when it snows or rains. If you don't have some form of moisture coming from the sky on the day you want to do it, you can substitute a small pitcher and a bowl, or even confetti or glitter. The spell can be done outside or inside ( looking out at the precipitation). If you are using confetti, you can do it at an altar. Take a moment to visualize each flake, droplet, or bit of confetti containing the potential for prosperity. You can even see them as gold coins. Then say:

"With each flake (drop) before my eyes, Prosperity comes from magic skies. Falling down and all around, Prosperity will now abound."
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Deborah Blake is the author of seventeen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, and Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, as well as the acclaimed Everyday Witch Tarot, Everyday Witch Oracle, and Everyday Witch’s Familiars ...
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