POSTED UNDER Equinox, Ostara, Spring, AND MORE

Quicken Your Spirit

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
How we have waited for this day! The promise of spring and a new beginning has arrived. The dark days of winter are now behind us. Use the energy of Ostara and the spring equinox to quicken your spirit and renew your energy.

Gather some salt, two cups of warm water, a yellow candle, and your favorite invigorating scent (such as eucalyptus, pine, or rosemary). Take three pinches of salt and add them to the water. Anoint your candle with your scent.

Light the candle and shed your clothes. Use the saltwater to scrub your body as you stand before the flame. Invoke the spirit of spring:

"Anew am I.
My flesh is alive and my
spirit is quickened.
Gone are the dark days.
I am renewed and reborn!
Blessed be spring!"

Allow your candle to burn out safely and anoint yourself with your refreshing scent.
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About Najah Lightfoot
Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of Powerful Juju and the bestselling Good Juju. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to Taschen, The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on display and part of the ...
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