Friendship Ties

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Take a walk down memory lane while using friendship bracelets to help strengthen a friendship. Using stranded cotton embroidery thread, pick a color that represents you and another color to represent your friend. For the third color, you'll need a blue shade of your choosing.

Cut off about eighteen inches of thread of each color to work with. Leaving about a two-inch tail, tie the ends of the three threads together in a knot, thinking about something fun the two of you did the last time you hung out together. Now start braiding, thinking of how much you appreciate this friendship.

About every 3/4 inch, tie another knot, thinking of something very specific that you appreciate about your friend. Keep braiding until you have made a total of eight knots. Add another ¾ inch of braid and then tie off the last knot. Cut off the remaining thread, leaving about a two-inch tail.

Give the braid to your friend and let them know how much you appreciate having them in your life. Your friend may either wear the bracelet or keep it somewhere special.
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