A Project Garden Spellworking

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
This is a garden spell that you will work all summer. You will be growing your Project Garden. You will not be planting seeds; you will be planting projects. With the beginning of the growing season, we will make sure all our needs are in place for our plans to sprout.

Are you looking for a new job? Starting school in the fall? Projects need setup, just as seeds need soil and sun. What supplies do you need? New clothes? Books? What will be the cost of your supplies? Plan now, then find funding for your project.

Estimate the cost for what you need and burn a green candle you charge with earth energy. Then locate sources of funding, such as a summer job or a loan from a relative. Magic works best when you work with it.
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