International Museum Day

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
Today is International Museum Day. Museums invite us to explore the world-our past, the plants and animals around us, technology, art, and all kinds of exciting things. They act like temples for all deities of knowledge. Traveling to a museum broadens our horizons by showing us things we might not discover otherwise. Also, if you look in the gift shop, you might find some magical tools. Museum gift shops often have crystals, replicas of ancient artifacts, and other exciting things. So if you can, visit a museum today.

Before you go, say:

"Lugh and Thoth, Apollo and Ganesh, Gods of wisdom guide my journey. Minerva and Benzaiten, Saraswati and Seshat, Goddesses of knowledge light my path. Place your discoveries before me That I may embrace them today."

If you find a souvenir, bless it with these words:

"Symbol of wisdom, travel with me in my quest for enlightenment."
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