A Snow and Stone Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Yarrow
You may use this ritual to end a habit or problem in your life. You'll need a small stone no larger than a walnut, some black paint, and some snow or crushed ice.

After you select your stone, paint it black as you focus on blocking or getting rid of your problem, then let it dry. Next, using snow or ice, form a ball around the stone. Place the snow/ice-covered stone outside where it won't be disturbed and say:

"Snow [Ice] and stone, end my
problem, and may it leave me alone."

Let the snow or ice melt naturally, even if it takes weeks. After the snow has melted, return and press the stone into the earth. Leave it undisturbed. Your problem will fade as the negative energy from the stone is harmlessly absorbed by Mother Earth.
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