Honoring the Shades

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Ancient Romans observed this day as Feralia, which was the last of three festivals that honored the dead. They took offerings to the tombs and laid them out to appease the spirits. While we are not always able to take offerings to the tombs of our loved ones, we can still honor their spirits, commune with them, and provide offerings to them.

Begin by creating sacred space around the altar you will be working with. Call the names of the deceased you wish to honor. Take salt, bread, and flowers and place them in an offering bowl on your altar. The salt will keep them from lingering too long, the bread will nourish their soul, and the flowers will show your appreciation for their presence in your life. Invite them to stay for the day within that sacred space, and be open to any messages they may have.
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