POSTED UNDER Luck, Success

Lucky Charms

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Who couldn't use a bit more luck? This spell will help, but it's not a guarantee to fix your life! Success requires effort as well as magical intervention.

You'll need a piece of jewelry. It can be something that you already own but not something that you currently wear often. You'll also need a green candle and something to light it with. Light the candle and pass the piece of jewelry just above the flame. As you do so, recite these words:

"Fire, fleet, and candlelight,
Lend an ear and hear my plight.
May your fortune smile on me
And bring me luck, so mote it be!"

Now pinch out the flame and keep the candle somewhere safe. Wear the jewelry to remind you that the harder you work, the luckier you'll be. Repeat the spell with the same candle when an extra boost is needed.
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