POSTED UNDER Charm, Love, Passion, AND MORE

A Thunderstorm Love Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lily
Use this spell to add more passion and romance to your relationship. To charge this spell, it should be performed quickly as a thunderstorm approaches.

You'll need a piece of paper, a red ink pen/marker, some dried yarrow, and an envelope. As a thunderstorm moves close, draw a heart on the paper in red ink. Crumble the yarrow over the heart. Fold the paper, put it in the envelope, and lay it on a windowsill. Charge the spell with these words:

"Thunderstorm, bring my love, excitement, and passion.
Hear my words and turn them into action.
Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roar.
Keep my love hot with desire, now and forever more."

As the storm moves away, hide the charm. After you see it's working, keep the spell active, if you wish, by replacing the yarrow once in a while.
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