POSTED UNDER Charm, Spring, Water

A Shell Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Ivy
This spell will bring any wish into your life. You'll need nine seashells and your ritual cup filled with bottled spring water. Place the cup on your altar or a table and fill it with the spring water. Surround the cup with the shells to form a circle. Think of your wish, then ground and center. Hold your hands over the shells and cup, and say the following charm:

"Shells, set in a circle so round,
To me, let my wish be bound.
Shells, totaling the sacred number nine,
Let my wish be mine."

Take a sip from the cup and set it back in place. Leave the shells and cup undisturbed for a day. The next day, place the shells with your ritual tools to use again. Use the water to water a plant. Return the cup to its usual place. The spell is now working in the unseen realm.
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