POSTED UNDER Autumn, Earth, Garden, AND MORE

Pay Mother Earth Ritual

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Clove
At this time of year, Mother Earth once again shares her bounty with us. Even though we mistreat her, she still gives back to us. In this ritual, we will "pay" her back for a change.

You'll need four barley grains. Barley is used because at one time it was used as currency, and the number four represents the seasons. Perform this ritual in a garden, field, or soil-filled pot. Press the grains of barley into the soil and say:

"Mother Earth,
I thank you for spring, when we plant and growth begins.
I thank you for summer, when the fields ripen.
I thank you for autumn, when you share the harvest.
I thank you for winter, when you prepare to nourish us again.
Mother Earth,
thank you for sustaining us."

After this ritual, unexpected good fortune may come to you. Mother Earth knows you've shown your appreciation for her.
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