POSTED UNDER Love, Protection

Proctective Runes

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
There are times when a little extra protection is warranted, such as when a person lives in an area with a high crime rate or someone is in a war zone. A good way to help ensure a loved one's safety is to add a protective rune to their clothing.

Begin by creating a sacred space where you can focus on your intent of safety and protection. Take a jacket or other item of clothing that the person wears often, and add a protective rune to the inside of it. You can do this by sewing the rune onto the inside of the item of clothing. Don't worry about how it looks, because you are putting it in a place that cannot be seen. As you work, say:

"This cloth shall protect you.
As I will it, so shall it be."
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