National Cat Day

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clary Sage
Cat lovers, rejoice: it's National Cat Day! Today, bless your own cat(s) and/or the cats of the world with the following spell.

Assemble a simple altar with a statue or image of the cat goddess Bast and a clear quartz crystal. If you have cats, add an image of each one. Anoint the Bast image and the image of your cat(s) with essential oil of myrrh. Say:

"Cats close to home and cats of the
earth, I honor your presence, I honor
your worth. As you bless our planet
with beauty and grace, may all cats
be healthy and happily placed."

If you have a cat or cats, spend some quality time with them. Maybe play with them, pet or brush them, offer them some catnip, or give them a treat. Also consider making a donation to a local cat shelter or even fostering cats or kittens who need a home.
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About Tess Whitehurst
Tess Whitehurst (Boulder, CO) is an intuitive counselor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker. She has appeared on the Bravo TV show Flipping Out and her writing has been featured in such places as Writer's Digest, Llewellyn's annuals, and Spirit and Destiny magazine. She is also the ...
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