Manipulating Time

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Yarrow
The very first episode of Doctor Who aired in Britain on this day in 1963. We're all time lords in our own way, and even if you're unfamiliar with this TV series, you can prove this to yourself. Ever notice how time seems to speed up when you're enjoying yourself but slow down when you're bored? You can use that phenomenon to stretch and fold time, and you won't need a TARDIS to do it!

If you need to slow time down, just envision the earth slowing as it turns. Of course, this won't actually stop the clock-a minute is a minute is a minute! What it will do is influence the perception of time so that everyone's awareness allows them to get more done in less time. If you need to accelerate time, focus on the earth's rotation speeding up. It sounds oversimplified, but it does work!
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