The Color of Love

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Almond
At this time of year, the shops are full of poinsettias. They're a seasonal favorite, but why? Their red and white colors make them very appropriate for seasonal decoration, but the correlation goes much deeper than that.

Poinsettias have long been associated with joy, holiness, and motherhood. That ties them into the Christian Christmas story very well indeed. In fact, there is a legend about a penniless child who had no gifts to bring, so he picked some weeds. As he entered the church, the weeds burst into the bright colors of the poinsettia plants.

With a little care and attention, poinsettias can brighten up your holiday home. Enjoy their color, and bear in mind that when you welcome a poinsettia, you're inviting hope, love, and joy into your life.
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