POSTED UNDER Cat, Healing, Moon

A Monday Spell of Self-Nurturing

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Lily
Ah, yes, another Monday. Not everybody likes Mondays because of the common nine-to-five weekday work schedule. Whether or not you follow this schedule, a spell like this can be beneficial for utilizing Monday's nurturing lunar energies rather than giving in to the sometimes chaotic scrambling of the workweek.

The moon, as a planet of classical astrology, is the ruler of Monday. Most ancient cultures associate feminine energies with the moon. Milk is white like the moon and is also the sacred feminine fluid that sustains life. Eggs from all animals are also exclusively part of the feminine domain, and are connected to lunar energies by both shape and color (in many cases).

For this spell, acquire a bit of organic milk and a white egg from a cage-free and humanely raised chicken. (If you are vegan, feel free to substitute however you wish.) Hard-boil the egg and warm up the milk. Sit in a meditative location and, as you consume the egg and milk, repeat the following thirteen times:

"Goddess pure and Goddess
bright, lend me your healing
and lend me your light."
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Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his "empath's trilogy," consisting of The Empath's Oracle, Esoteric Empathy, and The Everyday Empath, as well as the "shadow trilogy" of A Gothic Witch's Oracle, A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium, and Goth Craft. Originally trained in ...
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