My One-in-7.5 Billion for as Long as it Takes Love Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Love-doves and mating animals of every persuasion observe the euphoria of this special time of affection, mating, and natural bliss. If you are seeking your one true love, try this simple spell using organic birdseed to cast your path to a conjugal destiny. Procure seven pounds of local bird feed and weave a love spell today, laying a trail of seeds right back to you.

Unabashedly sprinkle birdseed everywhere you go. Draw in avian tenderness while feeding the birds of spring gently. Within your longing, recite the Latin prayer below each time you toss seeds; attach a desired quality to each handful you sprinkle in the name of love.

Seal this spell with a steadfast kiss and the birds of spring will forever bless you:

"O' turturem columbae, columbam,
parus caeruleus, et avem;
Venus, mei ad me, verus
amor meam producat.
(O turtle dove, pigeon, and chickadee;
Venus, bring my true love unto me.)"
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