A Water Cleansing Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
With the sun in the water sign of Cancer, this is a good time to use water magic to cleanse yourself of a bad habit or problem. For this spell you'll need a plain white sheet of paper, a pen or a non-permanent marker, and water. You'll also need an old glass or a clean empty jar.

First, write the habit or problem you want to be rid of on the paper. Fill the glass or jar with water. Next, fold the paper and place it in the water. Visualize your problem being diluted and cleansed away by the water. After a few minutes, take the glass jar outside. Now pour the water onto the ground or a compost pile. You may bury the paper or throw it away. In this spell, as your ink begins to fade in the water, your problem begins to weaken.
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