Honoring Mars Ritual

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Clary sage

March is named in honor of the Roman god Mars. He is the god of war, but originally he was the god of agriculture and abundance. This ritual honors his agricultural aspect and helps us to be mindful of where our food comes from. You’ll need four small candles in various colors of your choice, one for each season. You’ll also need a small saucer of soil and one penny.

Place the saucer of soil on your altar, and arrange the candles around the saucer in holders. Light them, then say:

Mars, god of crops and the fields,
God of the land and all that it yields,
Bless the farmers as they toil,
Bless the earth and renew the soil.

As an offering, place the penny into the soil. Extinguish the candles. (They may be used again for magic.) End by scattering the soil on the ground outside and pressing the penny into the earth.

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