POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Rain, AND MORE

A Rain Blessing

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Violet

We complain about rain, but we need it to survive. During July’s heat, it’s a good time to show your appreciation for rain by performing a rain blessing. You’ll need a rainy day and your cauldron. When rain is forecast, place your cauldron outdoors in a safe place.

When the rain is done, sit before your cauldron, preferably outside. Anoint your forehead with a drop of the rainwater. Then hold your hands over the cauldron and say this blessing:

Sweet rain, thank you for
falling, each and every drop.
Sweet rain, thank you for watering
the earth and every crop.

When done, you may use the rainwater to cleanse your ritual tools. End by pouring the remaining rainwater onto a favorite plant.

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