POSTED UNDER Protection, Sun

Shielding Spell During Sun in Cancer

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth

With both Mercury and the sun in Cancer now, you may be feeling a little emotional. Cast this spell to strengthen your empathic shields and to help keep your energy stable and grounded during this time. All you need is a small piece of black tourmaline (or your favorite protection stone).

Hold the tourmaline in your dominant hand and make a fist. Lift your fist to your third eye, then move it down to your chest, your belly, and finally both feet. As you do this, imagine a line of white light connecting each of the points on your body, and say:

Stone of strength, lend your might,
shield me from all but light.
Fortify me as I block and defend,
and when I crack, my energy mend!

Keep the stone in your pocket for as long as you need it.

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Devin Hunter is the bestselling author of The Witch's Book of Power, The Witch's Book of Spirits, The Witch's Book of Mysteries, the critically acclaimed Modern Witch, and Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch. Initiated into multiple occult orders, Devin is the founder ...
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