POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Protection, AND MORE

Blessing for a Safe Pregnancy for Pregnant Women

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

Take a cauldron or bowl (representing the future mother’s womb) and fill it with clean water, along with essential oils associated with protection (such as frankincense or cedarwood).

To the water, add the energies of the elements via a symbol or token for each of them (such as air/feather, earth/stone, fire/ash, and water/seashell), along with symbols that to you and the mother are representative of possibility, health, and safety. Finally, add a seed to the bowl (to represent the child). Place the bowl over a picture of the mother-to-be (or if she’s with you, have her touch or hold the bowl) and say:

May no harm come to child or mother,
Let this be a time of
magick and wonder.
Mother Goddess, we ask this of thee,
Hear our plea and so mote it be!

Remove the seed from the bowl and give it to the expectant mother. If she lives far away, the seed may be sent to her.

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About Ari Mankey
Ari Mankey has been practicing Witchcraft and creating spells for over twenty years. With her husband, Jason, she runs two covens in the San Francisco Bay Area.   ...
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