Elemental Protection

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Hyssop

Sybil Leek was an astrologer, a psychic, and a witch, and today was her birthday. With her jackdaw bird and flowing cape, she was an early, visible witch and mystic who, like Gerald Gardener, was one of the first to publish books on witchcraft.

Today, let’s cast a circle of protection around ourselves, our familiars, our circles, and our Pagan path so that all witches and practitioners of the craft are free to practice.

As you face each direction, use your right index finger to draw a pentagram for protection in the air as you say the following words.

In the east:
May air inspire deep breaths,
diversity, and acceptance of all.

In the south:
May fire burn away intolerance,
warming our hands, heads, and hearts.

In the west:
May water balm all old wounds,
bringing spiritual healing.

In the north:
May the earth uphold
and support us all.

To the center:
May all Pagans live in
peace. Blessed be.

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