Break a Hex Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Frankincense

Mint and pepper team up in this spell to break a hex. Just combine three leaves chopped fresh mint (or two teaspoons dried mint) and a teaspoon black pepper in a small bowl. After dark, sprinkle the mixture outside your front and back doors. Before you begin, read this aloud:

When you feel you’ve been hexed,
No need to fear or feel vexed.
Without harm, none will you injure.
But this spell you must conjure.

Then, with a bit of pepper and a bit of mint, announce in the dark your magical intent:

Mint, heal, and pepper, sting.
No curse shall cross this protective ring!

After you’ve finished, go inside, slam your door, lock it, and say:

In these walls I’m protected as can be,
From curse, foe, or any who
don’t carry my key!

You’re done.

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