Right Path Tarot Reading

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Juniper

New years are exciting, but the terrain can seem unfamiliar at times. This reading gives you signposts to indicate you’re on the right path. Hold a deck of tarot cards in your hands and take a deep breath. In a clear, strong voice, say:

Signs to know and signs to see.
Six months of signs, please send to me.

Draw six cards from the middle of the deck. Place them before you in a rainbow arc, starting on the left and continuing to the right. These cards represent signs for each of the six months:

1. Sign in January
2. Sign in February
3. Sign in March
4. Sign in April
5. Sign in May
6. Sign in June

Write down the information in your book of shadows, along with the symbols on the cards. Over the next six months, watch for these signs to know you’re on the right path.

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Astrea Taylor is an eclectic pagan witch with over two and a half decades of experience in the witching world. She's the author of Air Magic, Intuitive Witchcraft, Inspiring Creativity Through Magick, and co-author of Modern Witchcraft with the Greek Gods. She has a bachelor's degree in science ...
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