POSTED UNDER Bath, Bathroom, Rain, AND MORE

Drain Your Worries

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lilac

Light an assortment of votive candles in holders around your bathroom. Choose all white or a riot of colors. Prepare the bathwater to your preferred temperature, and use your favorite oils or bubble bath.

Slide into the bath, close your eyes, and relax. Let the candles and water soothe you. Let your tensions dissolve into the bath. Let your mind wander. If you start worrying about something, take a deep breath, splash in the water, and let it go.

When you are ready, step out of the bath and wrap yourself in a soft towel. Open the drain of the tub. Take your hand and flick water toward the drain, imagining the drops as your worries. Watch the water and your worries drain away.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say:

I am beautiful. I am enough.

Extinguish the candles and return to the world.

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