A Sand Divination

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Bayberry

During the Ottoman Empire, some seers divined the future by using sand. This ritual is based on that method. You’ll need some sand, which you can find at garden centers, and an old metal tray. (If you’re planning a trip to the beach, that would also be a good place to perform this ritual.)

First, spread the sand over the tray, and cover it completely. Then think of a question. As you do so, run your hands through the sand. Feel it. Play with it. When you feel ready, stop and look at the sand. Do you see any images? Do you see any patterns or figures? “Read” whatever you see.

When done, smooth out the sand. Keep your tray of sand where it won’t be disturbed, ready for next time. If you do this ritual at the beach, let the tide wash away your reading.

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