Grounding Crystal Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

It’s helpful to ground as we move toward Samhain, with the veil thinning.

For this spell you will need:

A moss agate (earth, north)

An amethyst (air, east)

A sunstone (fire, south)

A pearl or moonstone (water, west)

Your birthstone (spirit)

15–30 minutes of undisturbed time

Sit facing the north, with the stones lined up so you can easily reach them. Pick up each one in turn, starting with the moss agate. Hold it cupped in your hands until you feel a connection with the stone. Place it in the corresponding direction. Hold your birthstone cupped in your hands over your heart.

Feel each stone tethering you with love to the earth. Remember this loving, stable feeling, so you can recall it when you feel unbalanced.

When you are finished, place your birthstone in front of you and ground any excess energy, placing your palms on the ground. Keep the stones on your bedside table.

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