POSTED UNDER Equinox, Ostara, Spring

Sense of Balance

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

This is Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Day and night stand equal, with day growing as we approach the warm season. Balance is something we all need in life. Take some time today to practice with it.

For this exercise, you need about a dozen small to medium rocks. It helps if they are flat enough to have a top and a bottom. Lay the largest rock on a flat piece of ground. Move it around until it’s as stable as you can make it. Set the next-smaller rock on top. Feel for its balance point with your hands and your subtle senses. Shift as needed until it stays put. Continue placing smaller rocks in the same way. How high can you go before they fall over?

This is the same sense of balance you need in your life to make sure you don’t have too many or too few things. Feel for the position that creates security. Practice on the equinoxes, when it’s easier to sense.

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