POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Success

Success for All

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Rue

This is Fair Trade Day. Fair trade aims to support success for all by ensuring that farmers, crafters, and other small producers make a living wage for their hard work. As part of that, this worthy cause also fights against poverty, exploitation, and climate change. You can support this endeavor by buying fair trade certified products or shopping at fair trade certified stores.

To celebrate Fair Trade Day, you'll need a fair trade chocolate bar (or other decadent food if you don't eat chocolate). Hold the chocolate in your hands and smell its rich scent. Visualize all the work that went into growing the cacao beans, processing them, and shipping the finished bar to you. Then say:
From earth to bean and over sea,
This cherished food has come to me.
Now I partake of this fine haul,
And with it wish success for all.

Eat the chocolate and savor its complex flavors. A higher price often means farmers can take better care of their crop, which improves quality.

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