A Harvest of Color

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle

The fruit and crop harvests are still weeks away, but now is the time for the harvest of color in the flower garden. It is the power and the glory of nature's color spectrum. Daisies are sparkling white, zinnias are blooming in every sun-kissed color you can think of, and impatiens are red, pink, white, and salmon. There is a color for everybody.

For this beautiful spell you'll need a pair of sharp scissors. Go into the garden, if you have one, and begin cutting bouquets. (If you don't have your own garden, buy a couple of bouquets.) As you do this, be mindful. These flowers are gifts to us from Mother Earth. You should feel yourself calm down.

When done, take your flowers inside. Arrange them in vases, cups, or jars and fill with cool water. Place one container on your altar. Place the others around your home. Sit at your altar and thank nature for its harvest of color.

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