Full Moon Spell for Love

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Frankincense

Try this full moon spell to attract more love and happiness into your life. You'll need a moonstone or quartz crystal and a handful of rose petals. Go outside on the night of the full moon, and raise the moonstone or crystal toward the sky. Invite the lunar energies to fill the stone or crystal. Place the stone or crystal on the ground and surround it with a ring of rose petals. Hold your hands over this arrangement as you imagine experiencing greater love and happiness. Conjure those feelings as strongly as you can, then project the energy into the moonstone or crystal. Leave this all outside overnight. The next day, retrieve the moonstone or crystal to carry with you as a talisman to attract more love and joy. Leave the rose petals in place to be naturally scattered by the wind.

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About Melanie Marquis
Melanie Marquis is an award-winning author of many books including Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Pioneer and Publisher of Body, Mind, and Spirit (IPPY Gold Medal winner for Best Biography), Beltane, Lughnasadh, and A Witch's World of Magick. She is also the ...
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