POSTED UNDER Autumn, Blessing, Rain, AND MORE

Refreshing Autumn Rain

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

In many areas, summers run hot and dry. Moving into autumn, however, the rains return to water the dry ground. Welcome them back with this ritual, which can be performed in wet or dry weather.

Dress in shades of blue and gray to honor the fall rains. Fabric printed with water or clouds also works well. Stand tall and raise your arms to salute the sky. Then say:
Clouds come and rain fall,
Send your water over all.
Sky breathe and wind blow,
Bring your blessings, down they go.
Storm dance and rain pour,
Banish drought forevermore.
Grass bend and trees strain,
Welcome back the autumn rain!

If the rain has not yet arrived, then you can take a bowl of water and sprinkle it around the four quarters of your space in an act of sympathetic magic. On a rainy day, you can do the welcome chant from the safety of a porch or other sheltered spot.

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