POSTED UNDER Charm, Home, Water

Acorn Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle

Oak is a strong and waterresistant wood, which is why it's used to make whisky barrels, boats, and flooring. The powers of the oak tree are easily harnessed in magical work because of the abundance of acorns—which are, of course, oak seeds! This spell utilizes the power of the oak to protect your home.

Start by collecting four acorns near your home. (If you live in a zone with no oak trees, collect four tree seeds native to your area.) Once you have gathered the acorns, hold them in your hand and feel the protective energy that radiates from them. Let that energy mingle with your own. When you are done, the acorns should be warm to the touch.

Place an acorn on each side of your home. You can bury each acorn or simply set it next to your house. (Alternatively, if you don't have a yard, simply place each acorn in an out-of-the-way space in your home.) As you set down each acorn, say:
Mighty oak, protect this space. Share with us your power of place. Keep our home safe from harm With this acorn, the oak tree's charm!

Repeat this spell every year for maximum effect.

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