A Book of Shadows Meditation

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram

Today we have a new moon with a solar eclipse. Most occultists agree this is not a good time to work magic or cast a spell because the Earth is in the "shadow" of the eclipse. However, this is a time of swift changes and a perfect time to work in your Book of Shadows.

For this activity get out your Book of Shadows and sit at your altar. Clear your mind and think of three things you wish to change about yourself or your life. Next, on a blank page in your book, write down those things you wish to change. Meditate on them. Now one by one, go over them in your mind. Ask yourself about these changes: "Why do I want to make these changes? Are these changes realistic, and should I set time limits to make these changes?" Change your list if you wish, and think about it some more.

When you feel done, put your Book of Shadows away. Begin planning how you're going to make these changes. After the Earth is out of the "shadow" of the eclipse (in about three days), get to work. From time to time refer to your Book of Shadows and make any new changes you need.

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