Color of the day: White Incense of the day: Lavender This is Bake Cookies Day. Have you heard the term "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven" before? Many Pagan traditions included one or more days for baking special cakes, cookies, or other treats for their goddess—or god, as in Egypt it was for Osiris. Now is a perfect time to make Pagan cookies. Find cookie cutters shaped like pentagrams, deer, cats, trees, stars, goddesses, gods, or whatever other themes suit your patron(s). You can also make round cookies and write runes or blessings on them with icing. Nuts or seeds work well for dedicating cookies to a god, and dried fruit for an orchard deity. As you work, charge them with positive energy by saying: Once done, you can serve the cookies for a celebratory feast or use them during the cakes and ale portion of a ritual. |