Create a Crystal Battery

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

Let's tap into the power of the new year and full moon today. We start the new year full of energy and hope for new prospects, so it would be nice if we could capture part of that energy for use later in the year. We can create a crystal "battery" that will store energy that we can use whenever we need it throughout the year.

You will need a crystal to charge. I would recommend a clear quartz, but any crystal that you feel connected to will work. You can sit outside, or if it is too cold, you can do this by a window under the light of the full moon. Take the crystal and sit with it in your hands. Take a deep breath and let it out. Repeat twice. Each time you exhale, feel the energy move from you into the crystal. As you complete the transfer, say:

Store energy within, so I can tap into it in order to begin.

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