Color of the day: Lavender Incense of the day: Hyssop We are just over halfway through flu season—hurrah! Grab a cup of your favorite warming drink, such as tea, hot cider with a dash of cinnamon, or even a latte from your favorite local coffee shop, and find a nice comfy, quiet spot to sit for a few moments. Hold the drink in both hands. Feel the warmth in your fingertips and palms. Visualize the path this warmth will take with each sip—past your lips, down your esophagus, and into your stomach. From your stomach, see the warmth extending into the other parts of your body—down into your legs and up into your arms. Know that this warmth is healing, protecting, and keeping you and your body healthy and safe. With every drink you take, follow the pathway it takes, feeling the healing warmth radiating throughout your body. As you finish your drink, repeat these words in your mind: Healing warmth, spread through me. Healing warmth, protect me. |