Color of the day: Indigo Incense of the day: Patchouli Many times historically, women workers protested, demanding fair working conditions and equal rights. Women workers protested child labor, exploitation, and dangerous working conditions. These protests eventually led to March 8th being declared International Women’s Day, which is celebrated today. Sit quietly, with spine aligned. Close your eyes. Practice a deep, long inhalation, followed by a longer exhalation. This breath will slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and promote calm within the system. Let each inhale pull strength, grounding, and energy up from the earth, through the chakras or spinal cord. With an exhale, cascade your energy around you, enveloping you. Successively expand the radius of the energetic exhale to encompass your house, neighborhood, town, state/ province, and country. With a final deep inhalation, exhale and send energy to connect with women worldwide. Envision equity and safety for all women, everywhere. |