Color of the day: Blue Incense of the day: Sage The Ides of March has a negative connotation thanks to William Shakespeare and his play Julius Caesar, but before that, "ides" referred to the first full moon of the month, with the Ides of March also being celebrated as the new year. That being said, Shakespeare's version does remind us that there is nothing wrong with a little added protection and a reminder to check your back every now and then. Several culinary herbs double great as protection herbs, including sage, rosemary, bay leaves, and, of course, salt. Add a pinch of each to a small 2-inch-by-2-inch square of fabric. As you add the ingredients, say: A pinch here, a pinch there, keep me protected everywhere. Tie up the square and carry it with you for the day in your pocket, a bra, or somewhere else close to your body. |