POSTED UNDER Blessing, Love, Sex, AND MORE

Spring Equinox Altar Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

Use this altar spell to attract good fortune throughout the spring season. Cover the altar with a green or white cloth. In the middle of the altar, place a basket. Choose some items to symbolize the blessings you hope to enjoy this spring. For example, you might choose a favorite toy or stuffed animal to represent happiness and laughter, candy to represent sweetness, colored eggs to represent fertility or new beginnings, and flowers to represent love and sexuality. Place the items in the basket. Focus on the items in the basket for a few minutes and envision having more blessings in your life this spring. Add more items to the basket as you feel called to do so, and refresh any flowers, eggs, or other perishable items as needed.

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About Melanie Marquis
Melanie Marquis is an award-winning author of many books including Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Pioneer and Publisher of Body, Mind, and Spirit (IPPY Gold Medal winner for Best Biography), Beltane, Lughnasadh, and A Witch's World of Magick. She is also the ...
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