World Poetry Day

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Vanilla

Poetry comes from the spirit. It offers a way to see the world a little slant, to make sense of the mystical. It also plays a major role in magic. Most spells include elements of poetry. So do many rituals. This is because the mechanics of poetry, like rhyme and alliteration, provide more traction for moving energy, the same as they give that little "aha" in your head when you hear them.

You can celebrate World Poetry Day in a variety of ways. Read a book of poems. Look through your collection of spells and rituals for ones that feature verse. Start a songbook of shadows to gather poems, chants, and songs that you can use in creating rituals or other events. Here's an invocation to start with:

O Calliope,

Muse of Poetry,

Turn to us your face,

Lend to us your grace.

With sweet words of praise,

Blessed make our days.

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