POSTED UNDER Air, Candlemas, Family, AND MORE

Community Relations Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Patchouli

This New Moon is just a day off from the month's key holiday-Imbolc, also known as Candlemas.

It is also the day of new beginnings known as Chinese New Year. Today is a time for celebrating the growing light that now is returning to the Northern Hemisphere. It is also a time to honor our community and our friendships. And since the Moon is in Aquarius, this time is perfect for gathering a group of like-minded people to work a group ritual. Make the gathering a potluck so that everyone can share and connect before making magic. To prepare for this spell you will need to have a place to make a fire, either in a pit outside, or in a fireplace or wood stove. Everyone will also need a piece of paper, and a pencil or pen to write with. For the spell, ask everyone to write down their hopes and wishes for the year on a piece of paper.

Ask them to include too some good words about their friends, their neighbors, and their family. When everyone is done, have them speak their words aloud and then toss their paper into the fire one by one. The fire will consume the words and carry them up in the magical smoke. In this way, the group's good intentions will be carried on the air to reach whomever they need to reach.

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